This afternoon, the San Diego County Young Democrats hosted a fantastic Kickball Tournament/fundraiser at the beautiful Kate Sessions park in North Pacific Beach. Although I am incredibly uncoordinated, I still wanted to join a team. I mean, really. Surely even I could master a sport as basic as kickball! Unfortunately, I mistakenly mentioned the idea of playing kickball to my mother. Mom immediately made me promise not to engage in such irresponsible behavior for fear that the impact of a playground ball thrown at my head might be the final blow to the old retinas.
Ah, I know what you sneaky kids are thinking - my mom lives in New Hampshire and I live in San Diego, so how would she ever know if I were to play? Well, my mom is on Facebook (along with most everyone else's mom) and there is sure to be photographic evidence posted all over my page by my friends. So, I did what any kid whose mom is on Facebook would do - I volunteered to work the registration table and pick up the players' empty beer cans.
That's me at the Registration Table.
What? Mom didn't say I couldn't have a beer. . .
I love it!